Exchanging or returning a Myle product

How can I exchange or return an item?

You can return an item within 14 days of receiving your order, exchange it for a different size or a different item. Please note that items must be returned in undamaged condition and in their original packaging.

  1. You can return the item after the order has been delivered.
  2. You must make the request through your account and the associated order.
  3. Follow the return process and wait for confirmation.
  4. Include the item you wish to return and the order invoice in the box.
  5. Send the package with sufficient postage (Unfortunately, return costs are for you as a customer) to the return address below.

    Driebergseweg 9
    3708 JA Zeist

Your Track & Trace code is your shipping proof.


After receiving your return, you will receive a confirmation by email, and we aim to process the items within 48 hours, but no later than 14 days, either by refund or exchange.

Goods can only be returned in undamaged condition and in their original packaging; they must be in the same condition and must not have been used or washed.

Unfortunately, mistakes cannot always be prevented. If you believe something went wrong with the processing of your return, please contact our customer service through the contact form or at service@Myle-shop.nl.

When will I receive my refund?

If you want to receive your purchase amount back, you can indicate this on the return form. The total amount will be refunded to your bank within 48 hours, but no later than 14 days.

If you paid by credit card, we will refund the amount to your credit card account. The time it takes for the amount to appear in your account also depends on the cooperation of the bank/credit card company and is therefore not entirely within our control.

Incorrect Refund Amount

Unfortunately, mistakes cannot always be prevented. If you believe you have received the wrong refund amount, please contact our customer service through the contact form or at service@Myle-shop.nl.
